Brandboom Embed Widget

Creating a Brandboom Embed Widget allows you to conveniently add a wholesale experience to your website. Whether it's Shopify, Squarespace, Webflow, or any site that allows you to paste HTML code, you can easily set up our widget and create a wholesale access portal!

The embed widget allows you to funnel your customers to relevant line sheet presentations appropriate to their profile.  For example, you might have a presentation created for your US customers, and another for your UK customers.  In addition to access via a share link, you can provide them with this access code, allowing them to use your own site as a portal to their specific sheet and pricing.

All you have to do is copy the embed code and paste it on the desired page or pages of your website.

Embed Snippet Installation:

Installation is super easy.  All you need to do is click on the "Settings" menu for the Brand Showroom you want to point to.  Navigate to the tab labeled "Embed", and copy the code snippet.

From there, all you need to do is paste this into a code block at the appropriate location on your website.  In addition, you will need to label the HTML element/code block ID as brandboom-access-widget.


If the widget does not appear on your site, please ensure you check two things:

1) Have you labeled the element/block with the brandboom-access-widget ID?

2) Ensure your code is copied and pasted directly from our window.  Some other platforms such as Slack or E-Mail may sometimes convert some characters automatically, and mess with the code.

For any other technical issues, please contact Brandboom Support.

For Shopify Sites:

If you don't have access to an embed block app, you can paste the HTML directly into a new 'Page'. Create a page on your site, then  click the <> icon on the toolbar with fonts, etc... which will access your HTML source for that page.

1) Paste the below bold section in as you won't have access to a widget ID

2) Paste your script per above (and below example in italics) directly below the bold text


<b id="brandboom-access-widget">Brandboom Wholesale Login</b>

<script>window.brandboom=window.brandboom||{};window.brandboom.accessID="UniqueNumber";</script><script src=""></script>

Access Codes

Access Codes are unique combinations of letters and numbers that grant you access to specific presentations and collections. They are essential if you wish to use the Embed Widget feature.

NOTE: Access Codes are not case sensitive. 

You may also use Access Codes for your Showroom Landing Page. You can click here for more information. 

Creating an Access Code:

Creating an access code is easy. All you have to do is go to a specific presentation or collection and click the share button. You can create a new link and/or use the existing share links and add an access code.


You can then go to your website and enter the access code to view the specific line sheet.