How to place an order on Brandboom (Buyers)


Here are the basics of placing an order on Brandboom.

Step 1: Click the buyer link that your brand/rep has shared with you.

Step 2: Input your email address and password. Don't worry, Brandboom will never spam you!

Step 3: Click each product to view larger images and learn more. After viewing an individual product, click the 'X' icon to return to the main page

Step 4: Click any order icon. 

Step 5: Then click the order buttons again for each style you wish to order.

Step 6: When you are done selecting your products, click  Screen Shot 2019-12-10 at 3.28.03 PM-1 icon at the top right corner.

Step 7: Fill out the order form.

Step 8: Place the order and you will receive an order confirmation.

Step 9: Your seller will follow up with you regarding payment and shipping

To gain access to your past orders and existing orders make sure you login in as buyer here:

If you have any issues, please contact your sales rep or contact our support team at