Disable Selling or Set as Inactive for Individual SKUs

When you wish to make a specific Option or Size (SKU) unavailable for your Buyers to order, you have 2 options: Disable Selling or Set Inactive.

The difference is:

  1. Disable Selling - Allows you to continue working with SKU if it's in a Processing order
  2. Set Inactive - Does not allow you to keep the SKU in a Processing Order if ordered

For more information on the difference between Active and Inactive products, see this article.

Edit Product in SKU View

Select a Product, click the status dropdown, and select "Show SKUs"

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In the panel that appears, check the boxes for the SKUs you wish to edit and then select the desired option from the Status dropdown menu.

Disable Selling: The text will appear faded
Set Inactive: The row will be filled with grey

Individual SKU Change

Buyer Side

When individual Sizes are modified, in both cases they will appear as striped grey cells on the Buyer's side and prevent them from entering any quantity values.

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Seller Side

A Selling-Disabled cell will appear in light grey and still allow the Seller to edit it.
An Inactive cell will appear in striped grey and prevent the Seller from editing.

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Full Option Change

When all the sizes of the same Option are set to Disable Selling or Inactive, the entire Option row will be hidden from the Buyer. 

In this example, the 2nd Option has been set to Disable Selling while the 3rd Option has been set to Inactive.

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Buyer Side

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On the Buyer side, you can see that there's only two visible options, and only one option the Buyer can order.

Seller Side

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On the Seller side, the Inactive Option is hidden from the Order Form but the Selling-Disabled Option is shown in light grey and still editable.

Enable Selling or Set back to Active

To enable selling, follow the same steps to change the product status and select "Enable Selling" or "Set Active."

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