Edit Team Member Settings and Notification Preferences

In order to edit these settings, you must be listed as an Owner for your Account. This is different from being an Owner of a showroom.

In the left hand panel, click the Account icon and click "Subscription"

Click on the name of the user you'd like to edit

A panel will pop up and allow you to set your Notification Preferences and Account Permissions.

Here's a brief summary of what each setting controls:

Presentation email notifications - Control notifications for this user when a presentation is viewed

Order email notifications - 
Control notifications for this user when an order is placed or assigned


  • Edit Customer Data - User can view/edit Customer List entries created by Team members
  • Edit Order Data - User can view/edit all orders associated with Team members and can generate Order Reports in Showrooms where they share access.
  • Account Owner - User will be listed as Owner and can add/remove users to the team and manage subscriptions
  • Admin - Part of the admin team