Some of the formatting may appear unpredictable because the PDF generator calculates how much space to allot for each element and then does its best to fill the space with content or information.
Product Information missing or cut off
The amount of space taken up by product information is exceeding the allotted space for that entire product. Shrink the font size or image size, or limit the number of attributes or products on the page.
General Spacing Issues
There is a lot of white space after a row of products. Or there are entire pages blank in between products.
The amount of space taken up by products is exceeding the allotted space for that row, causing the next row to be pushed farther down or off the page. Shrink the font size or image size, or limit the number of attributes or products on the page.
Blurb Issues
Blurbs have 2 modes of claiming space on the page: 1 line or Full Row.
If the blurb has 1-2 lines of text, it will only require a short banner's worth of space at the top of the page (around 1") and allow for the full number of designated rows of products to fill the rest of the page.
Blurb pushing products off page
If the blurb contents exceed 1-2 rows of text, the blurb will reserve a full row of products for itself instead. So if you chose 3 rows in your Page Layout selection, it may take up 1 row and only allow 2 rows of products to appear on the same page.
Text is getting cut off in a blurb
The text is either too much for the section or not using up enough space to expand its section. If the text is too long, cut a portion off and insert it into another blurb. If the text is too short, add a few line breaks (hit Enter/Return) to see if it expands the section to claim a product row.
Product text is missing or cut off
Most issues having to do with missing or cut off content have to do with insufficient space allotted for content.
Try one or more of the following to create a better balance:
- Shrink Font Size
- Shrink Image Size
- Decrease the number of Product attributes to display
- Choose an Arrangement that puts fewer products on each page
Blurb text or images are missing or cut off
Most issues having to do with missing or cut off content have to do with insufficient space allotted for content.
If the blurb contents exceed a single page, they will be cut off and not spill over onto the next page. This is most common with a series of large images. Simply divide the contents into smaller portions that can be placed into individual blurbs (i.e. image1 in blurb1, image2 in blurb2)
If the blurb space is shorter than a full page and the contents are still cut off, it means that the PDF generator has not calculated the spacing correctly. Occasionally this happens with non-traditional text. Try adding a line break by hitting "Enter/Return" to let the PDF generator know that a new line has started and to allow more space.