Update Inventory Correctly

NOTE: Using the Adjust column will not move your units 'out of the system'. It will just update your existing inventory. Please use Replace column to move exported units to archive. Once you start using inventory and have a mix of orders interacting with these units, things can get very complicated quickly. You will need to carefully examine the Inventory table before making adjustments.

Include Committed and Unexported units

When updating inventory, remember to include units that are Confirmed and Unexported. These are units that are still "in the system" and will continue to deduct and affect your resulting Available count.

Subtract Exported from Confirmed

The value in the Exported column tells you how many of Confirmed will be taken out of the system. If you have 9 units in Committed and 9 in Exported, you can expect your Confirmed to turn to 0 on your next update. 

Preview Changes

In the example below, we are looking to replenish inventory and replace 20 units to Starting Inventory. 

The first row still has 9 units that are Confirmed-Unexported which will continue to deduct whereas the second row will see all 9 Committed-Exported units clear and no longer deduct.

  • Entering 20 units in Replace Inventory would result in the following:

You can see here that the 9 Confirmed-Unexported units did not clear and are deducting from the 20 to give us 11 Available.

  • Entering 20 units in Adjust Inventory would result in the following: 

You can see here that the units did not clear and that the 20 is added to the Starting inventory resulting in 30 units and Available inventory to 21 units.

Starting inventory - Confirmed units = Available inventory

NOTE: Using the Adjust column will not move your units 'out of the system'. It will just update your existing inventory. Please use Replace column to move exported units to archive. You can check this article for more information. 

How to edit Replace Inventory to get the right Available value

We recommend carefully setting orders to the right status so that updating inventory is done accurately. Once you've done this, here's an easy way to calculate what to enter into Replace Inventory to get the right Available value:

New Replace Inventory = Desired Available + Committed - Exported